Ingredients for 4 people
400 g of pork fillet
4 cloves of fresh garlic
2 twigs of fresh rosemary
4 spoonfuls of olive oil
4 three-fingered pinches of salt
2 three-fingered pinches of black pepper
½ cup of red wine (the same wine you serve at the table)
You need a frying pan to hold all the meat, a chopping board and a smooth bladed knife.
Look carefully to make sure each ingredient is at its place on the table. Alright, now you’ve got everything, let’s start. First prepare a dry marinade this way: chop rosemary and garlic fine then add salt and pepper, then mix it all well with your fingers. Pour this mix out onto the chopping board and roll the fillet so all the seasoning sticks on.
Dry marinade is much stronger than liquid marinade, and takes less time to confer flavor on the meat. After 10-15 minutes, turn the gas on under the frying pan with the oil and a sprig of rosemary.
Check the temperature of the oil: when the sprig sizzles, it means the temperature of the oil is perfect. In the meantime, you have cut one-finger high fillet medallions which you place one next to the other in the frying pan, being careful not to let them overlap.
On a lively fire, brown the first side of each medallion, then turn them all over.When the other face is brown too, add the wine, then turn over once again – you will see how the meat has not only taken on the flavor, but also the lovely color of Chianti.
Just wait for the wine to vanish and for what you are cooking to shrink a bit, then put it on the table – even directly in the frying pan. This recipe is so simple and quick, it will take you longer to read it than to cook it!
We made this in our class and it is very delicious!